Eating Once a Day to Lose Weight.

Eating Once a Day

Life-Of-Pix / Pixabay

If you are asking,”How much weight can I lose eating one meal every day?”, you aren’t going to like the response.

The fact is, you might end up losing no fat and you might even end up gaining somewhat.

“But don’t I have to eat less if I want to lose weight?”

The solution is yes. . .and no. Eating once a day may end up slowing down your metabolism. Your body feels as though it should store food since it appears that you will starve it. It decides that it must save a small reserve of energy to use it later. The more frequently you eat, the less food it feels it needs to store for itself.

To increase your metabolism, you then want to be getting more intake. When your body is stressing that it might go into starvation mode, it will need to store food to build reserves (fat).

When you finish your weight loss attempts this way, you very well could end up with less weight, unfortunately it will be caused by you losing more muscle mass than actual fat loss.

If you want to increase your metabolism and burn off more fat, then you need to be eating more frequently than normal. The notion of just eating once a day isn’t going to cut it. You will need several meals. They don’t have to be major meals. It merely needs to be enough to let your body know you’re not going to starve it.

It isn’t that you are very likely to be eating more food than normal, it’s that you are likely to be spreading out it through out the day. If you will be stressing your body through exercise, then you have to  supply it continuously with the fuel it requires. The trick is to find the ideal equilibrium.

The answer to the question,”How much weight will I lose eating once a day?”  Is none.

Your body should be ensured that it is going to have the food it must have to make it through the daily routines.

Finally, eating once a day will bring more harm than good, avoid it.


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