Weight Training for Women is it a Good Idea?

Weight Training for Women

skeeze / Pixabay

A lot of women shy away from weight training. For women, for the most part, the idea of big muscles on themselves is a turn off. But nearly 99% of women who take on weight training will not get big and bulky.

Weight training for women is a great way to burn fat fast and to help you get a lean and toned body.

Weight Training for WomenWomen simply don’t have the ability to bulk up as easily as men. For one thing, women don’t have the level of testosterone needed to generate bulk. And it takes a lot of weight training for women or men to get bulky muscles. The average workout can be very useful in terms of losing weight, building strength, and toning the body.

Another reason many women shy away from weight training is that it sounds like extremely hard work. Most women associate this sort of strength with males and can’t imagine lifting a large dumbbell. But despite how hard it looks, you don’t have to start at bench pressing or at lifting large weights. Even starting with a few pounds in hand weights can make a difference to you in terms of pounds and inches lost.

Women who do weight training for weight loss also find that they lose weight more gracefully than those who do not. Weight training and a good diet can reduce the chances of your having excessive amounts of loose skin after weight loss as well as having the benefit of giving you extra calorie allotments due to all the fat you’ll be burning with weight training.

Weight Training For Women – Tips

  • Take a day off in between weight training sessions. Your body needs time to recover.
  • Start with about 3 days of training a week. After several weeks, increase the weight and the reps.
  • Resistance bands are great, too. Find resistance bands at many online sites and retail stores as well as a part of some weight training equipment that helps you target different parts of your body.
  • Don’t invest heavily in weights at the start. You can start by doing bicep curls with bottles of water and then transition to cans of apple juice at first. Also use your own weight for strength training with push ups and chin ups.
  • Get enough protein. Adequate amounts of protein can help you build more muscle.
  • Get some help. You might want to get consulting to start on a weight training regimen. There are also books and videos that can help you, as well.

Interested in weight training for women? Investigating this can help you develop a highly effective workout regimen that could help you lose weight fast and leave you feeling more confident, too.


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Types of Yoga

Types of Yoga

DieterRobbins / Pixabay


If you are thinking about gaining clarity and tranquility amid a fairly noisy world? Then taking up yoga is the answer.

Not only it is great for the health of your body but also your mind.

It definitely improves health, muscle tone, and provides relaxation, too. It also is a great stress buster.

Because there are so many different types of yoga, we will describe the best known varieties.

Most common are: Hatha Yoga, Bikram or Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Restorative Yoga and a new type: Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga or SUP Yoga.

Here is a brief overview of the above popular types of yoga.

 different types of yoga and how to do them

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is the best known type of yoga. It’s a great one for beginners. Yoga positions vary among sitting and standing.

Bikram or Hot Yoga

Bikram, also known as hot yoga, (although not all hot yoga is classified as Bikram yoga as Bikram requires you to have specific certifications).

It involves intense yoga workouts in a very hot yoga studio, designed to help you burn a lot of calories.

If you’re looking at doing yoga for weight loss, this is the one for you!

Power Yoga

Power yoga has been popular since the 90’s, and was helpful in making yoga more mainstream. It focuses on building strength and enhancing flexibility through various classes.

Most people who do power yoga are intermediate in skill level. You can often find power yoga classes for beginners as well.

Prenatal Yoga

Because a healthy body can better endure childbirth and many women find that prenatal yoga helps with stress, flexibility, and muscle tone. Prenatal Yoga has become very popular.

Prenatal yoga classes are designed for the pregnant body and often for a specific stage in your pregnancy.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga poses are particularly relaxing for many and do a lot of focus on meditation.

Popular Yoga Poses

Popular types of yoga poses include: downward dog, salutation, cat flow, and many others.

You can find many resources that will help a beginner as well as take classes for various skill levels and for various types of yoga.

Beginner types of yoga poses include: mountain pose, pyramid pose, child’s pose, bridge, cobra, and others. There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses.

Which type of yoga is right for you? There are many others above what’s mentioned here and some people practice more than one type.

Regardless of what types of yoga you think may be best for you, it is great for the body, mind, and soul.

Consequently, as you become more adept with it, movements will become easier and you can tackle the more advanced options.

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Benefits of Pilates

Benefits of Pilates

arhy82 / Pixabay

To begin, there are quite a few benefits of Pilates.  This conditioning set of exercises, designed by Joseph Pilates, are great for strength and toning.

They work especially well for your abdominal muscles, back and legs.

It also is extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system, because of how you breathe during the workout.

Benefits of Pilates

Woman Practicing Yoga Positions

One of the great benefits of Pilates is that you can do it in about 20 minutes and just about anywhere.

If you’ve got a space of about three to four metres, then you can do Pilates. Pilates can be done with and without equipment.

Optional equipment include resistance bands, blocks, and a Pilates apparatus table.

Beginners and even experts however can benefit from doing Pilates without any equipment.

There are several versions of some of the popular exercises, enabling practitioners to vary their intensity level.

People who do Pilates regularly reach a dramatic increase in their core strength and balance.

Several Pilates exercises focus on core strength specifically and most of the exercises will benefit the mid-section of the body.

Other workout routines give you long and lean muscles — great for legs and arms!

Most important, Pilates improves: breathing, concentration, and control. Focusing on the area you are working on is important and Joseph Pilates firmly believed in the control aspect of the exercise for mind and body connectivity.

With the stomach, focus on that part of your body and control your movements with your belly button sucked in as far as you can. Count to five as you breathe in and five as you breathe out. Breathing out happens to be the hard part.

In fact, concentrate on breathing and it will be easier to exercise. Hence, you will ignore of how tired you feel or how much your muscles burn.

Slow, controlled and focused movements will help you master and maximize all the benefits of Pilates.

A stronger core or powerhouse (as Pilates called it) will benefit your health in many ways, including posture and helping with strengthening of your back.

The benefits of Pilates can be seen after just a few sessions.

Finally, there are many Pilates exercises with varying intensity levels keeping you from growing bored with the routines.


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Kettlebell Workout Routines help tone muscles, lose weight fast.
kettlebell workout routines

CorrieMiracle / Pixabay

The kettlebell is a cast iron weight with a handle on it and you can purchase kettlebells in various sizes ranging from under 2 kg to 79 kgs. A one “pood” (the common measurement term) kettle bell is 16 kg. There are a number of kettlebell workout routines that you can use to help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals. Additionally, many exercises help you with many other body parts.

kettlebell workout routinesKettle bell Workout Routines

For abdominals, windmill and figure eight exercises are popular. Windmill exercises provide great results for the obliques. The windmill exercise is done in both clockwise and counter clockwise directions and is done with one hand. In a figure eight, you pass the kettlebell through your legs doing a figure eight motion. Flatten your back and extend your buttocks during this exercise.

For the chest, a one arm kettlebell floor press is one of the best exercises. It helps work your chest and your triceps. Lying on your back, you raise the kettlebell toward the ceiling, pushing your body into the floor for the sake of stability.

For shoulders, kettlebell workout routines are plentiful and you won’t get bored due to the variety of workout routines you’ll find. The Russian kettlebell jerk workout routine, for example, includes using two kettlebells, resting them on your shoulders, and a jerking motion to get the balls above your head. It’s advantageous to look up videos for the best possible stance to minimise injury and ensure effectiveness and ease.

You’ll find many books and videos dedicated to kettlebell workout routines for men and / or for women. It’s smart to start off with lower sized bells and increase as you become well versed in the exercise routines.

Kettlebell Workout Routines – Tips

If dealing with heavier kettleballs, it is a good idea to have a spotter. Always be sure you’re holding the kettlebell carefully when doing kettlebell workout routines. Many people suggest that you wear gloves when kettlebell training and there are some models with adjustable kettlebells.

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Fat Burning Workouts – Maximize the Fat Burn
Fat Burning Workouts

StockSnap / Pixabay


Rebounding, or jumping on a trampoline, burns more calories than many other cardiovascular workouts with less effort and less impact on the joints. It also helps cleanse the lymphatic system, which promotes health and wellness and boosts your immune system.

Weight Lifting

Fat Burning Workouts

Weight lifting doesn’t just burn fat fast but it keeps burning after the workout is done, too. Even though you’re at rest, your body will continue to expend calories. Weight training helps you build muscle as you burn fat, which will result in your looking better and better as time passes.

People who lose weight with weight lifting often report faster size and scale drops as well as lack of loose skin. Weight lifting helps you tighten, tone, strengthen, and drop inches.

Resistance Training

Resistance training, such as with resistance bands, can be a great fat burning workout.

Interval Training

Training in fast bursts and then slower bursts can help you increase your fat burning potential. You might alternate between running and walking, sprinting and jogging, etc. There are some great interval training workouts to try.

Hot Yoga

Hot yoga involves a workout in a very hot room. This can have great calorie blasting effects. Be sure to say well hydrated and if you’re a beginner, make sure you tell the instructor.

Boot Camp Style Workouts

Boot camp often combines drills and interval training with strength training exercises and makes for great fat burning results.

Fat Burning WorkoutsAerobics Classes

Aerobics classes can be very effective as fat burning workouts. Combining high energy cardio workouts in an upbeat setting can work out really well for those who want to lose weight fast.


Don’t underestimate the power of cycling in a spin class, running on a treadmill, or doing a combo of the two with an elliptical machine. Doing an hour of cardio several times a week will definitely contribute to weight loss. The key to burning fat in your workouts is to vary your routine and to push the envelope past your comfort zone.

There are a number of fat burning workouts, Try them all!

Finally, do it in conjunction with better eating, you will burn fat fast, reduce your jeans size, and feel better about the way that you look, too.

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 Exercises to lose belly fat work, being obstinate however, will yield results faster.

Note: You need cardio. A lot of sit-ups, crunches, and other exercises to lose belly fat are good but they’ll often build up the muscle underneath the fat. Cardio, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, and dancing in addition to the following exercises to lose belly fat can maximise the results.

Exercises to Lose Belly FatYou also need to eat well. If your eating undermines your exercises, you’ll find losing belly fat even more frustrating. Monounsaturated fats are a great addition to your diet (avocados, dark chocolate, olive oil, and some others) for helping you lose belly fat and you’ll want to eat fewer carbs and sugars and more proteins and vegetables. Limiting beer, wine, soda, and other calorie laden beverages will help, as well.

  • Squats – Squats can help you sculpt your lower body and can be done anywhere and without exercise equipment.
  • Cycling – Riding a bike is great for your lower body. You can also do air cycling to help you benefit from cycling while at home. It’s great for the lower belly.
  • Hula Hooping – Hula hooping is a great exercise to lose belly fat, especially in the obliques. Don’t worry if you keep dropping it, just keep practicing. You can find great hula hooping exercises on the Wii Fit gaming device, as well, that counts your revolutions without you having to have a hula hoop.
  • Resistance and Strength Training – Will help you burn fat all over. Resistance bands are inexpensive and you can start this with hand weights as well as using your own weight as resistance with push ups or chin ups.
  • Twists – Twisting exercises are great exercises to help you get rid of belly fat. They can be part of aerobics or Pilates or dancing.
  • Exercises to Lose Belly FatDancing – Dancing is a fun cardio workout that can burn fat all over, including in the mid section. And dancing doesn’t feel like exercise as much as it feels like fun so it’s great for people who don’t find it easy to become a gym bunny.
  • Yoga – There are a number of types of yoga to choose from and yoga exercises can help you strengthen your body and improve your flexibility all over. Yoga, in conjunction with cardio could do good things for sculpting your mid section.
  • Crunches – Good old fashion crunches can help build muscle so that as you lose belly fat you’ll have a better looking mid-section. There are various types of crunches that can target upper, lower, and oblique areas.
  • Sit Ups – Sit ups can also contribute to building muscles and strength in your mid-section.
  • Pilates – There are a variety of great Pilates exercises that can help you with losing belly fat. The one hundred, the warm-up Pilates exercise helps you build strength in your core. There are a number of other Pilates exercises that help you build long and lean muscles throughout your body. Pilates will help you increase your ability for endurance with exercises to lose belly fat. After just a handful of Pilates workouts, you’ll feel a difference.
  • Another Tip – Try to reduce stress in your life. Stress can cause a belly fat increase!

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat will work, but the secret is to maintain discipline.

Belly fat can be stubborn but don’t give up. The above list is not exhaustive but can give you some ideas of how you can get the body you dream of.

With hard work and persistence, stubborn belly fat will go away.



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Exercise Ball Workouts will improve your physical condition.

An exercise ball is a versatile and inexpensive piece of workout equipment. It’s great for toning and sculpting your body and there are a variety of exercise ball workouts to try.

Here are some that will be very beneficial for you..

Exercise Ball WorkoutsUse it as a Chair

Sitting on your exercise ball, at your desk, will help you continually balance and this will strengthen your core muscles. After a while you won’t be concentrating on your effort but you’ll still be engaging muscles as you go about your day. Using an exercise ball as a chair for a few hours a day is a great idea.

Glutes Workout

Put the exercise ball against the small of your back and let it rest against a wall. Do slow squats, being careful to keep the ball firmly at your lower back. After several reps, try doing this with one foot off the ground and alternate.


Exercise ball workouts offer great ways to do crunches. If you lay your back on the ball, using a wall to put your feet and knees (if needed for stability) against and then lean back and do crunches, you’ll feel the effects.

Exercise Ball WorkoutsGreat Leg Workouts

Lie on the floor and try a variety of leg workouts. You can dig your heels into the top of the ball and do back arches or bridges. You can also put the ball between your ankles, put your feet up in the air, and squeeze the ball tight.

Push Ups

Lying with your stomach on the exercise ball and with your palms on the floor is a great way to do push-ups. The closer to your feet the ball its, the more intense the workout, making this a great progressive exercise. Ball workouts can start with the ball at your stomach and your feet dangling in the air and progress to where you dig your toes into the ball and the rest of you is suspended forward.

Limb Extensions

Extending limbs on an alternating basis while balancing your belly on the ball can be great for hamstrings, your lower back, and your glutes.

Workouts While You Sit on the Ball

Sit on the ball and do circular hip movements for mid-section toning. Sit on the ball and lift hand weights while stabilizing your core.

You’ll find a wide variety of exercise ball workouts online in list format as well as in videos. You can have several sizes for varying degrees of intensity. It can take a bit of practice to get some of these and some more advanced exercises down pat but as you continue to train you’ll start to feel a big difference in your core strength.

In conclusion, these Exercise Ball Workouts will tone and improve health.

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Weight Loss Workout Suggestions for those on the go.
Weight Loss Workout Ideas for Businessmen

geralt / Pixabay

It’s proven that weight loss is easier and faster when you work out. But what weight loss workout is right for you? If you’re a busy person, you want to get the most out of your workouts. You might not always have 90 minutes for a workout but you can still get great weight loss results out of whatever workouts you do. Read on for some tips and some weight loss workout ideas:

Treadmill Desk

Weight Loss Workout deas for Busy PeopleMany companies are now using treadmill desks for their staff to use occasionally. You can set up a laptop or do a conference call on a treadmill and burn calories while you work.

Working at home, there are small exercise cycles that can fit at your desk as well as contraptions that you can use to pedal while sitting in your office chair. Exercising while at your desk could be a great way to burn calories without having to stop what you’re doing.


There are other deskercise ideas as well. Sitting on a big stability ball instead of a chair for a few hours each day could help you tone your midsection. You’ll be engaging your core muscles to keep yourself stable.

Maximise your Lunch Hour

Walking during your lunch break at work or after dinner in the evening will help you burn calories. Consider wearing weights to intensify workouts. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, too. Check and see if there’s a gym near your office. You could get some morning, lunch time, and after work workouts in easier if you schedule them into your day. Perhaps you can find a work mate who will join in and you can motivate one another.

Strategic Multitasking

You can also get other workout equipment that can be used while watching television. If you’ve got a favourite show that’s 30 or 60 minutes, make it a habit to do the treadmill, your Pilates, or some resistance training while watching your show.


Rebounding, jumping on a mini trampoline, can burn a lot of calories a lot faster than via regular cardio. And it reduces the impact on your joints, which can help you work out easier than, say, running on the spot. Rebounding works great while watching TV, for instance.


A swim is a good full body workout and just a twenty minute swim can add up to great muscle toning and inches lost. You can also find aqua fit classes, too.

Wight Loss Workout Ideas

Do Something You Enjoy

Take a class. Learn to dance. Take up a team sport. You don’t need an hour or two a day to lose weight via working out and exercise doesn’t have to be treacherous. Regardless of how busy you are, if you try, you can find ways to incorporate a weight loss workout into your schedule a couple of times a week.

In conclusion, Weight Loss Workout Ideas that are varied will keep you trim and fit.

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Running for Weight Loss is a Great Way to Get Healthy.

Running for Weight Loss

Antranias / Pixabay

Do you wish you had the body of a runner? Running for weight loss is a highly effective way to lose weight fast. Runners are often healthier than most people and develop long and lean muscles. But running for weight loss isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to get into.

Running for Weight LossHow do you become a runner, especially if you find running difficult right now?

Start Off Slow

Walking, then speed walking, then jogging or running for weight loss could be a good progression for you. You can’t break into a run the first day you exercise without feeling like you’re going to pass out. A short run the first day, a break the next day to help your muscles recover, and then continue increasing your distance over time.

You might train with a treadmill, by running outdoors, or with a combination of both methods. Whatever the case, running for weight loss can bring about great and rapid results.

Tips: Make sure you get well hydrated for your runs, bring water with you, and get the right gear. Good shoes are essential. It’s also nice to have extras, such as a heart monitor (not a necessity), and you can even integrate your shoes with your smartphone (Nike, for instance, has an integrated iPhone app for runners).

Run With A Friend

If you’re running for weight loss and you can find someone to buddy up with, at least some of the time, this is a great thing. You can plan to run together and complain about the aches and pains together. And you can compare your weight loss results together.

You might even opt to eventually train for and then run a 5k together. New runners can often train in 3 months to be able to run their first 5k run.

Running for Weight LossJoin A Running Clinic Or Hire A Trainer

There are running clinics that provide you with great information and training that can help you progress and maximise your results. Consider looking for a local running clinic or trainer.

Regardless of which type of running for weight loss you take up, it’s going to be a bit of an uphill climb. But if you get informed and you stick with it, running can be one of the best ways to lose weight you’ll find. Once you reach your weight loss goals with running, continued weight management can be much simpler (even with some room for the occasional splurge).

Try Running for Weight Loss and Better Health, It Works!

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Walking For Weight Loss – A good alternative to gym workouts?

Walking for Weight Loss

DanielReche / Pixabay

Walking for weight loss is a highly effective alternative.

Hence those who don’t want to or cannot do intense exercise can walk to stay fit. Read on for some weight loss tips to help you get the most out of your dailiy routine.

Walking for Weight Loss Tips:

  • Walking for Weight LossMaking Time for Walking

Weight loss goals might seem a long way away from achieving but it all starts with taking the first step. Make time for weight loss and walking. A good way to start is to make a habit of walking at around the same time each day. Your lunch break at work is a great time. You and a buddy could brown bag lunch and then take a half an hour walk. An evening walk could be a great after supper habit to take up as well.

  • Wear a pedometer

This is a great way to set goals and track your progress. Pedometers are inexpensive devices that you can wear on your hip to count your steps. Also by counting your steps, your pedometer will give you an idea of calories burned through walking.

  • Get comfortable shoes

Good footwear will minimize blisters and pain and some are designed specifically to help you with walking for weight loss and muscle tone development in your calves.

  • Stay hydrated

Therefore always take a bottle of water with you on your walks.

  • Vary your route

Don’t always take the same walk. Try to vary the walk and the distance so your body stays challenged. Some uphill, some downhill, and various terrains are a great idea.Walking for Weight Loss

  • Add weights

You can add weights to your ankles, to your wrists, to a belt, or even just carry your weights with you to intensify your workout.

  • Music

Takes your mind off the task at hand and can help you vary your pace. You might even build a walking playlist that you find gets you motivated and helps you enjoy your walking more. However, it might be a good idea to wear earphones or ear buds in just one ear, though, so you can still hear oncoming traffic.

Finally Walking for weight loss also will help you with cardiovascular health, tuning, and fat burning.

Even starting with 20 minutes a few times a week, along with a healthier diet can add up to weight loss.


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