Diet and Nutrition

Sponchia / Pixabay

Thin is nice but healthy and thin is even better.

Make Calories Count

Diet and NutritionSome people simply try, on their diet, to eat the fewest number of calories possible, believing that weight loss is only a matter of simple math. Calorie intake does have an impact on your diet and math does factor in but the wrong approach won’t do you any favours. Not only is this not a great idea, it could be counterproductive.

If you don’t supply what your body needs you feel lousy. And in addition, your body will go into hoard mode and your metabolism will slow way down. This won’t result in quick weight loss and if you fall off the low calorie ‘wagon’ your body will retain more calories than ever, believing it needs to hold those calories due to the recent shortage of food it has received.


Beyond getting an adequate number of calories, your body needs an adequate amount of nutrition. The right mix of nutrition will help you endure lower caloric intake and provide you with energy and willpower. Look for the best bang for your buck with calories and choose diet foods that encompass a lot of nutritive value.

When it comes to diet and nutrition, the key to diet success is to go on a diet that encompasses nutrition and satiety as well. This can help you achieve short term and longer term goals. You need the right blend of nutrients that satisfies you. This will help you achieve your goals for your diet and nutrition, will satiate your body and reduce cravings for unhealthy food naturally.


In terms of diet and nutrition, variety should be a factor as well. If you go on a grapefruit diet, for instance, not only is this less than ideal from a nutritional perspective. But the lack of variety will hurt you. By leaving a nutritional deficit and without willpower. A diet that encompasses nutrition and healthy variety is easier to stay the course with.

Diet and Nutrition Tip – Consider Calorie Shifting

In addition to a diet with nutrition and variety, try shifting calories. Some days you could have a higher calorie count than others, particularly after following a low calorie diet. This can keep your metabolism working hard.

Never sacrifice nutrition in a diet. You’ll find a variety of low calorie high nutrition weight loss foods if you take the time to look for them and plan for your meals.

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Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green Tea for Weight Loss

Free-Photos / Pixabay

There are several ways that people use green tea for weight loss. Green tea consumption can help people boost their metabolism and has a plethora of other benefits as well. It continually gains recognition in the health and wellness community as well as the weight loss products community.

Green Tea for Weight Loss

rawpixel / Pixabay

The Chinese have used green tea for thousands of years as a health elixir. And as a staple in their daily diets. It lowers the chance of several types of Cancers, lowers cholesterol, lowers the risk of heart disease. It has polyphenols and catechins and it can help with medical problems such as arthritic pain.

Many people who take green tea also find that they don’t get sick as often. Seems like it substantially boosts the immune system and lowers the effect of allergies.

Swap Green Tea for Coffee

Drinking green tea instead of coffee is a great start. Many who make this swap start to see noticeable weight loss quickly. Green tea also has a lot less caffeine than coffee so is a great evening drink alternative for those who enjoy hot and caffeinated beverages. For those who prefer cold drinks you can find green tea in iced tea products as well as in ginger ale and juices.

Take Green Tea Extract

Many weight loss products now contain green tea extract. You can take green tea supplements or find weight loss supplements that contain green tea among other items that are showing great success for fat burning and thermogenesis. It’s not always easy to drink several cups of green tea a day and for some, it’s an acquired taste so a supplement could be the best way to see the value of green tea for weight loss as you can get the right amount without effort.

There is a wide variety of different green tea available. You can buy tea bags and you can buy loose green tea. And of course, there are many supplements and powders on the market for ingestion. Green tea is even being included in beauty products for its anti-aging / antioxidant properties .

Using green tea for weight loss alone probably won’t show you major results if you have a lot of weight to lose. But it could contribute to overall weight loss and it has so many other health benefits that it makes sense to add it to your diet.

Another great tea for weight loss is white tea. All teas are botanical and green and white tea have the fewest processing, preserving the great ingredients that are so good for overall health and also for weight loss.

Green Tea for Weight Loss, make it part of your routine!.

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Healthy Diet Plan Components that will produce great results
Healthy Diet Plan

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Healthy Diet PlanBreakfast eaters weigh less than non breakfast eaters. Hence, It is vital that you eat breakfast if you want to lose weight. Not only will this help you boost your metabolism but you’ll eat less overall throughout the day. Opt for wholesome and filling breakfast foods.

It may take time for you to get accustomed to eating in the morning. Start small and add to your meal. You might start off with a piece of fruit or a yogurt. In addition, try to add some protein and complex carbs as well.

High Satiety Foods

Foods that fill you up are a good part of a healthy diet plan. High fibre foods are a great aspect of your healthy diet plan as they will fill you up, aid in elimination and reduce in-between meal cravings. Some healthy high satiety foods include: popcorn, beans, oatmeal, hearty vegetable soup, and many fruits.

Fruits and Vegetables

The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier you’ll be. And in terms of fruit, it will help with cravings as it’s nature’s dessert.


Also healthy snacks are an important part of a healthy diet plan. Therefore, the right snacks are important. They’ll keep your hunger at bay, help you control your portions, and they will help you boost your metabolism.


A healthy diet plan should involve plenty of hydration. It’ll facilitate weight loss, toxin release and regulate your appetite.

Since a healthy diet plan needs to feed your nutrient needs, it should also quench your thirst for flavour, too. Because if it doesn’t, you won’t feel well and you won’t be able to stick to that healthy diet plan. It’s not easy to eat everything your body needs, day in and day out, but if you can come close.  As a result, you’ll be healthier and have a healthy body mass index.

Strive for:

  • As few junk foods and sugary foods as possible. Think nutrient value!
  • 2-3 servings of lean protein per day.
  • 2+ servings of dairy. Opt for low fat and healthy dairy foods.
  • About 5 portions of bread and cereals a day. This might sound like a lot but one slice of bread is one serving. Hence, one small portion (about the size of your fist) of pasta is a serving, and complex carbs are best.
  • 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Opt for a colourful variety.

In conclusion, it is not always easy to switch over to a healthy diet plan. As a result, real effort is needed.

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Kettlebell Workout Routines help tone muscles, lose weight fast.
kettlebell workout routines

CorrieMiracle / Pixabay

The kettlebell is a cast iron weight with a handle on it and you can purchase kettlebells in various sizes ranging from under 2 kg to 79 kgs. A one “pood” (the common measurement term) kettle bell is 16 kg. There are a number of kettlebell workout routines that you can use to help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals. Additionally, many exercises help you with many other body parts.

kettlebell workout routinesKettle bell Workout Routines

For abdominals, windmill and figure eight exercises are popular. Windmill exercises provide great results for the obliques. The windmill exercise is done in both clockwise and counter clockwise directions and is done with one hand. In a figure eight, you pass the kettlebell through your legs doing a figure eight motion. Flatten your back and extend your buttocks during this exercise.

For the chest, a one arm kettlebell floor press is one of the best exercises. It helps work your chest and your triceps. Lying on your back, you raise the kettlebell toward the ceiling, pushing your body into the floor for the sake of stability.

For shoulders, kettlebell workout routines are plentiful and you won’t get bored due to the variety of workout routines you’ll find. The Russian kettlebell jerk workout routine, for example, includes using two kettlebells, resting them on your shoulders, and a jerking motion to get the balls above your head. It’s advantageous to look up videos for the best possible stance to minimise injury and ensure effectiveness and ease.

You’ll find many books and videos dedicated to kettlebell workout routines for men and / or for women. It’s smart to start off with lower sized bells and increase as you become well versed in the exercise routines.

Kettlebell Workout Routines – Tips

If dealing with heavier kettleballs, it is a good idea to have a spotter. Always be sure you’re holding the kettlebell carefully when doing kettlebell workout routines. Many people suggest that you wear gloves when kettlebell training and there are some models with adjustable kettlebells.

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Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss – Does it Really Work?

Colon Cleanse Weight Loss

silviarita / Pixabay

If you do a colon cleanse, weight loss may be a wanted side effect. But it isn’t necessarily going to help you lose a whole lot of weight as the sole solution.

Once your colon is clean, you may notice up to five or ten pounds lost. And there are other benefits, such as reduced cravings, better digestion, and increased energy.Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing is a great way to trim your mid-section quickly, especially if you’re feeling particularly bloated. It can help you with feelings of sluggishness.

This isn’t something that should generally be done for large amounts of weight loss because frankly, it isn’t enough to do on its own.

But those who do colon cleansing often notice a quick drop in weight and some other positive health benefits as well that could include a drastic reduction in junk food cravings, which can help with overall weight loss efforts.

The colon can hold a lot of compacted waste. This could equate to a few pounds or kilograms of weight loss. It stands to reason, then, that colon cleansing could equate to what looks like quick weight loss because cleansing can involve a lot of elimination in a short period of time.

Boost Your Metabolism

Removing toxins from the colon could be a great thing to do in preparation for losing weight. Not only might you see a slight drop in the number on the scale but it could also help you jump start efforts in the right direction because colon cleansing can help your metabolism receive a reset and / or restart.

When doing a colon cleanse, this is a great time to eat a clean diet. Not only will this help facilitate the removal of the bad stuff from your system and restart your metabolism. But it’ll improve your appetite and help with reducing unhealthy food cravings, as well.

Drink Up!

It’s vital that you adequately hydrate during a cleanse. A lot of elimination can lead to dehydration, particularly if you use the wrong sort of colon cleanser. Using a straight laxative is not a good idea. It’s better to use something specifically designed for cleansing, such as an oxygen based cleanser, rather than something that causes the colon to contract, increasing the potential of discomfort and of bowel tone loss. Research your options carefully before getting started.

Many dieters will try a colon cleanse to help with weight loss and while it can be a great way to rev up your digestive system so that it can process food easier, it’s not a cure-all. A safe occasional cleanse can be helpful and can promote optimum digestion as well as improve your immune system but this strategy should be a part of an overall weight loss strategy rather than the only thing you do differently. You’ll find some great options for colon cleansing as well as info on good foods to eat during a cleanse.

A Colon Cleanse if done right, is one way to lose weight. Try It!

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Fat Burning Workouts – Maximize the Fat Burn
Fat Burning Workouts

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Rebounding, or jumping on a trampoline, burns more calories than many other cardiovascular workouts with less effort and less impact on the joints. It also helps cleanse the lymphatic system, which promotes health and wellness and boosts your immune system.

Weight Lifting

Fat Burning Workouts

Weight lifting doesn’t just burn fat fast but it keeps burning after the workout is done, too. Even though you’re at rest, your body will continue to expend calories. Weight training helps you build muscle as you burn fat, which will result in your looking better and better as time passes.

People who lose weight with weight lifting often report faster size and scale drops as well as lack of loose skin. Weight lifting helps you tighten, tone, strengthen, and drop inches.

Resistance Training

Resistance training, such as with resistance bands, can be a great fat burning workout.

Interval Training

Training in fast bursts and then slower bursts can help you increase your fat burning potential. You might alternate between running and walking, sprinting and jogging, etc. There are some great interval training workouts to try.

Hot Yoga

Hot yoga involves a workout in a very hot room. This can have great calorie blasting effects. Be sure to say well hydrated and if you’re a beginner, make sure you tell the instructor.

Boot Camp Style Workouts

Boot camp often combines drills and interval training with strength training exercises and makes for great fat burning results.

Fat Burning WorkoutsAerobics Classes

Aerobics classes can be very effective as fat burning workouts. Combining high energy cardio workouts in an upbeat setting can work out really well for those who want to lose weight fast.


Don’t underestimate the power of cycling in a spin class, running on a treadmill, or doing a combo of the two with an elliptical machine. Doing an hour of cardio several times a week will definitely contribute to weight loss. The key to burning fat in your workouts is to vary your routine and to push the envelope past your comfort zone.

There are a number of fat burning workouts, Try them all!

Finally, do it in conjunction with better eating, you will burn fat fast, reduce your jeans size, and feel better about the way that you look, too.

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Healthy Lunch Ideas that help you lose weight.
Healthy Lunch Ideas

RitaE / Pixabay

  • Avoid the food court. Avoid the food court and avoid the temptation. Consider going out for lunch occasionally for the social and reward aspect of it but pick your lunch locale carefully and plan ahead so you don’t do impulse buying.
  • Healthy Lunch IdeasPlan ahead. When you do your grocery shopping, factor lunch in as well as dinner. This is especially helpful if you’re not accustomed to packing your own lunch for work. Pack things you’ll enjoy, so you aren’t tempted to ditch the brown bag for the local drive-thru.
  • Subscribe to healthy recipe idea websites. They will send you out notifications of recipes to give you plenty of healthy lunch ideas.
  • Make extra dinner and pack it for lunch. Did you enjoy your last night’s dinner? Bring some for lunch. Just watch your portion control.
  • Meat and salad. Lean meats and a big and colourful salad makes a great lunch. Grilled chicken, for instance, goes great in a salad. Ditch the high fat salad dressings. Consider a spritzer and something oil based instead of cream based. Throw some beans into that salad to help you feel fuller and for a healthy fibre boost.
  • Add healthy treats to your lunch. Make your lunch an enjoyable experience by adding a guilt free treat. Fruit cups, low fat pudding cups, popcorn, a piece of dark chocolate, and other healthy treat will help you feel satiated and less deprived.

Tip: If you’re eating lunch at your desk at work, consider going for a walk after lunch. Not only will this help with your weight loss goals but it will get you away from your desk for a little while, which is proven as a productivity booster.

A Workweek’s Worth of Healthy Lunch Ideas

Here are some healthy lunch ideas to get you through the next work week:

Monday: Grilled chicken with a colourful chef salad and low fat Italian salad dressing. Additionally, add an apple with a spoonful of peanut butter for dipping for a treat.

Tuesday: Tuna in a pita pocket with tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and just a bit of mayo. And for your treat, have 2 cups of air popped popcorn.

Wednesday: A small (6 inch) submarine sandwich on whole wheat bread with a cup of vegetable soup. For your treat, have a chocolate pudding cup.

Thursday: Bowl of chili and a size salad. And for your treat, have a fruit salad.

Healthy Lunch IdeasFriday: Go out for lunch today. You’ve been good all week, right? Opt to go for a lunch restaurant that provides nutritional info so you can make an educated decision about your healthy lunch.

Since healthy lunch ideas are everywhere. Variety is a good way to stay motivated. A good breakfast, lunch, and dinner will satiate you and help you reach your weight loss goals. Finally, don’t forget to integrate some healthy snacks in, too. This will help you fight off cravings and keep you full so you don’t overeat at your next meal.

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Nutrition and Health – Two Key Beauty Factors.
Nutrition and Health

lamangala / Pixabay

Good nutrition and good health go hand in hand.

Let’s look at a few of those areas that are affected by bad eating habits:

Your Hair

Since poor nutrition can result in dull and lifeless hair and even hair loss. Consequently, here are some foods to help improve the condition of your hair:Nutrition and Health

  • Salmon
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Carrots

In addition, some people who become vegetarians find that they have problems with their hair. Therefore adequate nutrition is vital for the health of your hair. Hence if you stop eating meat, you’ll have to make sure you get adequate levels of protein.

Your Skin

Another element is your skin. It is a big indicator of nutrition and health. People who eat a lot of unhealthy food, for instance, can show this in dull complexions as well as breakouts. Here are some of the best Nutrition and Healthnutrition and health foods for your skin:

  • Yogurt
  • Berries
  • Green tea
  • Water
  • Almonds
  • Avocados

And you don’t have to just eat them, either. Consider making a nutritious health mask with berries and avocados for a great mask that will infuse your skin with nutrients. A good cleansing regimen is vital for looking and feeling good as well.


Nutrition and Health

Your Nails

Strong and healthy looking nails are another sign of good nutrition and health overall. Here are some foods that promote healthy nails:Nutrition and Health

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Brown rice
  • Flax seeds

If any of the above areas are of particular concern for you in terms of beauty and overall wellness, try improving those areas with adequate nutrition. Here are some extra beauty tips:

  1. Get enough water. Dehydrated is not beautiful.
  2. Cut down caffeine. Not only will caffeine rob you of hydration but it’ll also rob you of beauty sleep. Also drink green tea instead of coffee.. it contains much less caffeine and will still give you a spiritual and energy lift.
  3. Additionally, make sure you make sleep a priority. Eating the right foods to get adequate nutrition and feel healthful is important but sleeping enables healing and rejuvenation so make sure you’re not robbing your body of these important hours. Deprivation of sleep will leave you looking and feeling worn out.

Finally, you are what you eat. So eat food that is filled with nutrition and health will come to you.

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 Exercises to lose belly fat work, being obstinate however, will yield results faster.

Note: You need cardio. A lot of sit-ups, crunches, and other exercises to lose belly fat are good but they’ll often build up the muscle underneath the fat. Cardio, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, and dancing in addition to the following exercises to lose belly fat can maximise the results.

Exercises to Lose Belly FatYou also need to eat well. If your eating undermines your exercises, you’ll find losing belly fat even more frustrating. Monounsaturated fats are a great addition to your diet (avocados, dark chocolate, olive oil, and some others) for helping you lose belly fat and you’ll want to eat fewer carbs and sugars and more proteins and vegetables. Limiting beer, wine, soda, and other calorie laden beverages will help, as well.

  • Squats – Squats can help you sculpt your lower body and can be done anywhere and without exercise equipment.
  • Cycling – Riding a bike is great for your lower body. You can also do air cycling to help you benefit from cycling while at home. It’s great for the lower belly.
  • Hula Hooping – Hula hooping is a great exercise to lose belly fat, especially in the obliques. Don’t worry if you keep dropping it, just keep practicing. You can find great hula hooping exercises on the Wii Fit gaming device, as well, that counts your revolutions without you having to have a hula hoop.
  • Resistance and Strength Training – Will help you burn fat all over. Resistance bands are inexpensive and you can start this with hand weights as well as using your own weight as resistance with push ups or chin ups.
  • Twists – Twisting exercises are great exercises to help you get rid of belly fat. They can be part of aerobics or Pilates or dancing.
  • Exercises to Lose Belly FatDancing – Dancing is a fun cardio workout that can burn fat all over, including in the mid section. And dancing doesn’t feel like exercise as much as it feels like fun so it’s great for people who don’t find it easy to become a gym bunny.
  • Yoga – There are a number of types of yoga to choose from and yoga exercises can help you strengthen your body and improve your flexibility all over. Yoga, in conjunction with cardio could do good things for sculpting your mid section.
  • Crunches – Good old fashion crunches can help build muscle so that as you lose belly fat you’ll have a better looking mid-section. There are various types of crunches that can target upper, lower, and oblique areas.
  • Sit Ups – Sit ups can also contribute to building muscles and strength in your mid-section.
  • Pilates – There are a variety of great Pilates exercises that can help you with losing belly fat. The one hundred, the warm-up Pilates exercise helps you build strength in your core. There are a number of other Pilates exercises that help you build long and lean muscles throughout your body. Pilates will help you increase your ability for endurance with exercises to lose belly fat. After just a handful of Pilates workouts, you’ll feel a difference.
  • Another Tip – Try to reduce stress in your life. Stress can cause a belly fat increase!

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat will work, but the secret is to maintain discipline.

Belly fat can be stubborn but don’t give up. The above list is not exhaustive but can give you some ideas of how you can get the body you dream of.

With hard work and persistence, stubborn belly fat will go away.



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Nutrition for Kids – Setting the foundation for Healthy Habits

Nutrition for Kids

andibreit / Pixabay

Most expert recommend against putting your child on an obvious diet. Many say that dieting, from a young age, could have a detrimental effect on your child’s self-esteem and could set the stage for a lifetime of struggling with food related issues.

Nutrition for Kids

Nutrition for kids, is paramount in the topic of overweight kids. Hence, by changing some nutrition habits in your household, you can help your child lose weight without attaching the stigma of a diet. If weight loss isn’t an issue but you just want to embrace wellness in your household, these tips will apply as well.

Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle

Instead of putting a child on a diet, consider making positive lifestyle changes for the whole family. In terms of nutrition for kids, the following tips will help you do this in a way that benefits the whole family, especially any overweight children in your family.

Nutrition for Kids – Tips to Transition the Menu and the Lifestyle

  • Stop going to fast food restaurants. Very often, the fast food meals for kids are bereft of nutrition and are so filled with high fructose corn syrup and other potentially harmful ingredients that they sabotage your efforts. There are also debates about whether or not many of these foods can also affect a child’s behaviour, too. The sooner you eliminate this sort of food from your family’s diet, the better.
  • Skip the candies and cookies. If your child continually begs for these types of snacks at home, it’s hard to resist them if the items are in the house. Not only should you stop buying them but you should take this as an opportunity to clean out your pantry. Talk to grandparents and caregivers to make sure everyone is on board with your kid’s nutrition plan.
  • Involve your kids in cooking. This can get them more involved in eating nutritious foods. You can make nutrition for kids a fun thing, as well. There are nutritious kid cooking classes, too. Therefore, by involving your kids in their menu planning, you’ve got a greater chance of them eating and embracing the healthier food choices.
  • Expect tantrums. If your child is accustomed to getting a lot of junk food and you suddenly stop the supply, you’ll probably get resistance. Stay the course. Within a few days your child will get accustomed to eating healthy snacks.
  • Offer fun nutritious snacks. If your child likes chips and dip, try some fruit and healthy fruit dip. If your child loves ice cream sundaes, try yogurt with fruit and nuts. Make a fruit smoothie instead of offering soda pop or a sugar-laden milkshake.
  • Make exercise fun. Sign your kids up for a new sport, take up a family exercise, such as an after-dinner walk or bicycling as a family. If your child enjoys gaming, try purchasing one of the gamercise systems (like Wii, Kinect, or PlayStation Move).

Nutrition for Kids Therefore, making nutrition for kids a priority in your house will benefit the entire family.

And will help set the stage for good eating habits that will last a lifetime


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