Dead Sea Secrets Relaxation Bath & Body Spa Gift Set Review

In this busy world of running around 24/7 with stress getting the best of us, consequently, it’s nice to unwind and treat the face and body with a spa treatment.

When the self-care pampering and relaxation are done at home, it’s convenient, personal, cost-effective and a wonderful way to regain our power, balance and healthy glow. These spa beauty blends are available at affordable prices and have been resourced from the best that nature has to offer.

About the Bath & Body Spa Gift Set

Dead Sea SecretsThe Premier Dead Sea Secrets Relaxation Bath and Body Spa Gift Set is the perfect
collection of good for the skin products. Additionally, it delivers excellent deep cleansing, nourishing
anti-aging skin care ingredients along with carefully chosen beauty tools. These aid the
scalp, the eyes and the hands. Each luxury kit features the magical head-to-toe benefits
from the Dead Sea in Israel from the high-quality Dead Sea Secrets label.

These include the Dead Sea Mud Mask with aloe and seaweed in a creamy base for the face. Plus the Dead Sea Bath salts with lavender-scented minerals for the body.

Above all, these are authentic, rich ingredients without the chemicals found in other brands.

The kit offers a generous bar of Intense Eucalyptus Hemp and Tea Tree Soap with amazing antiseptic action and soothing nourishment for the pores with its unique peppermint leaves formula.

The spa kit features a refreshing Eye Gel Mask for smoothing away puffiness, tiredness and dark circles.

Also included is a wire Scalp Massager that revs the circulation for healthy hair follicles.

In addition it has a 2-Inch World Stress Ball that allows tension to dissipate, alleviates carpal tunnel pain and returns strength and mobility to the muscles of the hand and wrist.

All of these gorgeous products come in a large 12 X 9-inch linen bag.

Using this for Self-Care

We often get carried away with the responsibilities of daily living and forget about engaging in a few minutes of pampering. Self-care is essential for a healthy mind, body and spirit; Hence it’s especially important for women because we tend to put everyone else ahead of us. Therefore, indulging in beauty products with high mineral compositions from Israel’s Dead Sea create smooth, supple skin.

Finally, you don’t have to be a star for access to these effective, advanced formulas and personal care products. The Premier Dead Sea Secrets Relaxation Bath and Body Spa Gift Set is waiting here for you or for that special someone in mind. Let self-care take you away.

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Stress Affects Your Digestion – Why Does it Happen

How Does Stress Affect the Digestive System?

Let’s look at a few facts.

1) Most adults these days lead lives filled with at least a little, and usually a lot of, stress and anxiety.

2) 70% to 75% of all human disease and infection begins in your gut, due to some problem with your gastrointestinal and digestive systems.

Put those two facts together, and you could make an argument for a causal relationship between stress and anxiety, and a poor digestive system.

There are mounds of evidential data to support both of these facts. Therefore whether stress causes digestive problems or not, a first-year law student could present a strong argument linking stress to poor digestion. As it turns out, many doctors and other health professionals are familiar with the role stress plays in relationship to how you digest food.

There is no “maybe” about the link.

Anxiety, stress and depression almost always  cause digestive problems of some sort. The data behind that statement is irrefutable. So is the physical link. As the website puts it, “You don’t need a PhD in physiology to know that stress can be hard on the stomach.” Let’s take a look at exactly how high levels of stress can negatively affect the digestive process.

Have you ever had to speak in public?

Surveys show that people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying! As you were headed to the podium, about to give your speech or address, you probably experienced some level of stress. What physical area of your body did that stress reveal itself? You got that “butterflies in your stomach” feeling, and could have actually experienced feelings of nausea and dizziness.

This is because when your brain becomes severely stressed, an automatic Tidal Wave of hormones is released. Among them is CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone). It is linked to the age-old “fight or flight” stress response, and one of its jobs is to turn off appetite. This explains why you might not be able to eat much when you experience high levels of stress.

Just one more of the many ways stress affects your digestion

However, CRH also releases steroids which can make you hungry. This is the reason some people combat stress with a quart of ice cream or a bag of potato chips. Receiving vastly different signals, your digestion system can understandably respond by not knowing what to do.

There is also the hormone serotonin to consider.

How is this linked to stress? Serotonin is largely responsible for how you feel. So when your brain decides it is going to stress out, you experience a serotonin reaction. As we just pointed out, almost all of your serotonin is in your gut. So stress cranks up your serotonin, which creates a reaction in your digestive system.

Those are just a couple of ways that stress causes a digestive system reaction. The research, clinical studies and medical data linking high levels of stress to digestive problems show time and again that this is a very real relationship.

Short-term, irregular and infrequent stress periods may just cause a tummy ache or nausea. However, prolonged stress can lead to aggravated chronic diseases such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome and other unhealthy conditions.








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Meditation and Relaxation Exercises – You Can Do them just about Anywhere.

There are countless benefits to learning meditation and relaxation exercises to help deal with stress and alleviate tiredness.  Meditation is a means to find peace and calm, and relax the body and mind. It is a means to look inward, detach, and focus on a few moments for one’s self. Relaxation exercises are also a means to remove tension but have the added benefit of being able to not only affect one’s emotional and mental well-being but also affect the physical body positively because of the simple movements involved.

In this day and age where people are constantly on the go; and the hustle and bustle of life takes up so much of one’s day, it is important to have the know-how to deal with these stresses any time and to make sure that the body and the mind are always in tip top shape.  Additionally, there have long been connections between how stress manifests itself as illnesses of the body. Knowing how to meditate and learning and practicing simple relaxation exercises greatly help one’s well-being.


Meditation Basics

Follow these steps for a few minutes of meditation to center one’s self and de-stress.

  • Find a safe and comfortable place.

A few moments of meditation can be done just about anywhere.  All that is needed is a place where one is safe and secure and comfortable. It may be a few moments in the car, a quiet bench or seat in the house, park or even the mall, or even just sitting quietly at your office desk.

  • Close your eyes and try to block out the world for a moment and focus on just one’s self.


This step takes some time to master.  In the beginning it may take a few moments to consciously quiet one’s self and let go of all the distractions around, but as you practice, it gets easier and easier to do so. Try to maintain this calm for as long as possible. After some practice, it becomes easier and one can stay longer in this state.


  • Focus on your breathing


This is basically the best thing to focus on because it will always be there and present. Being conscious of the regularly and rhythm of one’s breathing helps create a sense of tranquility and peace.  Learn to appreciate each moment of breathing in – feeling the breath filling one’s being.  Also focus on breathing out, imagining stresses and all distractions leaving along with each breath that leaves one’s body.


  • Do this consistently for a few minutes, a few times each day

Practicing meditation daily will help improve one’s well-being and one’s ability to deal with the daily stresses and tensions throughout the day.  It only takes a few moments, but its benefits are well worth it.


Relaxation exercises that complement meditation

  • Stretching


Find a safe place to spend a few moments to relax.  While breathing deeply and purposefully, do the following simple stretches.


  • Head Tilts

From looking forward with one’s head straight, tilt your head from to center to one side, moving slowly for up to 8 counts. Slowly go back to the first position, breathing deeply and tilt to the other side.  Move on to tilting from front to back, again focusing on the slow and purposeful movements and doing up to 8 counts.


  • Head Turns

While focusing on one’s breathing and starting from head facing forward, lead with one’s chin and slowly turn to the right, taking about 8 to 10 counts to complete the movement. Stay there for a breath or two and slowly go back to front facing position and repeat on the other side.


  • Shoulder lifts

With both arms loose and relaxed, slowly lift the shoulder’s up. Pause for a breath or two and slowly lower back to first position. Do this a few times to loosen the shoulders and back.


  • Torso Twists

Beginning from the facing front position, slowly turn to one side, twisting from the waist. Do this slowly and be conscious to only twist up to what is a comfortable stretch. Pause for a moment or two and slowly go back to 1st position. Do this on both sides slowly and purposefully.


  • Leg Flexes

Slowly and purposefully move your legs to gently stretch and relax the muscles. Start with the knees, slowly bending each knee and pulling it up towards the chest. Additionally, maintain deep breaths and feel the stretch.  Slowly bring the knee back down and repeat on the other.


  • Mindful muscle flexing


While practicing meditative breathing, flex and relax the muscles to relieve them of tension. Moving up slowly from the toes do this for all muscle groups – the legs, buttocks, abdomen, fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck and then face; focusing on slowly flexing them and feeling them tighten, and then releasing them and feeling the tension leave.

These small movements are beneficial not only for one’s physical well-being but also to be more mindful and aware of one’s mind-body connection.

Meditation and relaxation exercises have a lot of benefits. It is not only good for the body but also for mental and emotional wellness. Those mentioned are a few ways that are simple and easy to do just about anywhere.

Meditation and Relaxation Exercises create a better sense of self and well-being.

Human behavior

Download this useful guide to begin your road to Wellness.


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Reasons for Changing Your Outlook on Life

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

This quote is from the famous motivational speaker and self-help author Dr. Wayne Dyer. Think about what he said for a moment.


It is along the same line as the half-empty/half-full concept. In both theories, it points out the power of having a positive mindset. There are positives in everything; sometimes you just must look harder to find them over the more apparent negatives.


We all make choices in life; some of us choose to be negative about everything, while other people experiencing the same situation see nothing but the positives. How can that be? Two people experiencing the same thing but emotionally feeling what they experience at opposite ends of the spectrum. It is almost as if each is wearing a set of glasses that filter the experience differently.


Why changing your outlook is beneficial?


Before we get into the “how” of changing your mindset, let’s first look at why it is beneficial to see the positives in everything. The mind is a powerful thing in that it controls all parts of your body. Researchers have found in multiple studies that having a positive outlook produces some very beneficial health benefits. For one, they found it increases the immune system. It is a proven fact that positive people are generally healthier both mentally and physically.


And positive people have a lower stress levels because they are able to effectively deal with situations. As a result, they have less cortisol caressing through their body, a known hormone responsible for weight gain, so they are able to control their weight better.


Beside having an improved immune system and better weight control, having a positive mindset also:

  • lowers the risk of a cardiovascular event
  • lower rates of depression
  • and surprisingly live a longer life


How to change your mindset to one more positive

While there are several things we can do to improve our mindset, here are some that provide the most benefits:


  • Start your day with a positive affirmation – how you start the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Many people like to write down their affirmation in a notebook or journal. Writing it down has more effect than just verbalizing it to yourself.
  • Look for the good in things – We all face situations during our day that can be viewed as either good or bad. For example, if stuck in traffic, view it as an opportunity to listen to your favorite podcast or to your favorite music instead of a waste of time going nowhere.
  • Change negative self-talk into positive – Instead of saying “I’m so bad at doing this” say “I’ll get better at doing this after I get more practice.”
  • Focus on the present – The past is yesterday, there is nothing we can do about it; the future is tomorrow and not here yet, so there is little we can do about it; but today is now and we can either choose to experience it either positively or negatively; the choice is yours!
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Positive people have positive outlook on life, quote positive affirmations and generally say positive things. Over time, these positives rub off on you, sink into your brain and you become a more positive person because of them. However, the opposite is true if you surround yourself with negative people. Again, it is your choice; choose wisely!


This article covers the health benefits of having a positive mindset and the ways you can use to become a more positive person. Hence the way you now view things will be positive.

Changing your outlook on life will make you happier and healthier!. Try it!



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Strength Training for Women

Strength Training for Women – Why it is Important.

When it comes to exercising, there is usually a dramatic difference in habits that can be seen between men and women. Men like to hit the gym and lift heavy weights to bulk up and build muscle. Women are more focused on burning any excess fat they have by going for a run in the morning or joining a yoga class. However, strength training is very important for both men and women. Here are just some of the reasons why all women should do strength training exercises as well as cardio in their quest for fitness.

1. You can build strength without getting bulky

This is one of the main reasons why strength training for women is seldom used. They believe that it will just make them bulky and unattractive. However, this isn’t the case. You’d have to lift very heavy weights for a long time in order to build as much muscle as men do. Women produce far less testosterone than men do. Hence, making it almost impossible for women to ‘bulk up’ from lifting weights for 10-15 minutes a day.

2. You’ll burn fat easier

While cardio certainly helps with weight loss and improving your health, strength training is important too. It helps you to build some muscle, usually by converting existing fat into muscle. It takes up less space and makes you appear thinner and leaner. With the extra muscle, your metabolism is able to work faster and burn calories long after your workout.

3. It will improve your posture

Not many of us have great posture when sitting down or standing up, but strength training can help you to improve this naturally, which in turn decreases the risk of back ache and other aches and pains around your body.

4. Strength training for women will decrease stress levels

By lifting weights and carrying out exercises which build strength in your body, you can reduce the amount of stress you are feeling. The stress hormone, known as cortisol, is one of the main reasons why many women find it so difficult to lose weight. By eliminating high stress levels and getting rid of the overproduction of cortisol, you’ll find that it’s much easier to change the shape of your body both inside and outside the gym.

Finally, Strength Training for Women increases their sense of wellness. Well worth trying!

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Tips For Glowing Skin

Tips for Glowing Skin

Skitterphoto / Pixabay

If you are looking for some tips for glowing skin, here are some simple and easy methods you can implement into your daily routine:

Exfoliate – Exfoliation removes dead skin that can sit and make your face look dull. Exfoliation is probably one of the top tips for glowing skin.

Sun protection – You might think a tanned face looks great but tan too often and your skin will develop a leathery and worn look to it. Wear cosmetics with built-in SPF protection. When sitting in the sun for long periods of time, shade your face with a wide brimmed hat, use sunscreen.

Water – Drink your eight (or so) glasses of pure water each and every day. Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy and glowing skin. And you’ll find drinking water on (or near to) the top of every list of tips for glowing skin.

Cut down on caffeineGreen tea and white tea are lower caffeine alternatives to coffee and both can have anti aging properties so consider trimming your coffee intake and upping your green tea intake.

Make-up and moisturizer – Buy skincare products that promise to give you glowing skin. Moisturizers, foundations, and face powders, such as some mineral make-up, offer a healthy glow to them.

Tips for Glowing Skin

gerryimages / Pixabay

Homemade facial masks – There are a number of homemade facial mask recipes that can help you achieve glowing skin.

Wash at bedtime – Make sure you get all your makeup off at nighttime so that you can prevent clogged pores and build-up of products on your skin.

Wash in the mornings – While you sleep, your skin produces excretions in the regeneration process. Make sure to wash and moisturize in the mornings, too.

Reduce stress – Stress shows in your skin. Take up some stress relief methods so that this doesn’t happen.

Get enough sleep – Sleep deprivation can leave you really run down looking. Make sure you’re getting about 8 hours each night to make sure you can get well rested and give your body time to rejuvenate.. part of that rejuvenation includes skin rejuvenation. You can’t sleep 5-6 hours all week and catch up on weekends, either. Your skin doesn’t work that way (neither do your other body parts!).

Try some new products – If you want tips for glowing skin, some of the products you’re using, out of habit, might not do your face any favours. Consider shopping around for some new products trying out a few skincare products that are getting good reviews.


In conclusion, follow these tips for glowing skin to look your best.

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Managing Stress – A Few Ideas to Consider

Managing Stress

Shivmirthyu / Pixabay

Are you wanting to learn methods of how to manage stress better? Stress can take a toll on you and make life very hard.

Especially relevant, managing stress requires that you be aware that you are suffering from it. Therefore it is crucial that you become aware.

If you want to know how to cope, here are 7 useful tips to help you combat stress:

  1. Make a to-do list every day. Use check marks to mark things off. Part of feeling overwhelmed with stress often comes from feeling like you’ve got too much to do in a day. Having a list
    Managing Srewss

    blockchain / Pixabay

    helps you quantify what’s done and what needs to be done can help in a big way.

  2.  Do the most difficult tasks first. Stress often comes from a feeling of dread. If you’re dreading something that you have no choice but to face, it might feel too ominous to tackle. But if you don’t tackle it, you’ll spend the day dreading it. Hence, by getting rid of the most difficult tasks first, you free up your mindset to focus on other things and you will be managing stress levels in the process.
  3. Meditation and relaxation exercises. Many methods exist to help you learn how to manage stress better. Breathing exercises, yoga, taking a walk, getting a massage.. some of these areas probably will make a big difference in how you’re feeling. Many people find that meditation helps them achieve clarity and energy that helps them overcome stress.
  4.  Ask for help. Many people also don’t realize that they’re inadvertently acting like martyrs. Therefore, if you don’t ask your spouse, your children, or your boss or co-workers for help, they might not be aware how big of a toll stress is taking on you. Tip: Try asking for help in a non-confrontational way. You might do so after taking some of the steps in #3 above.
  5.  De-clutter your environment. Stress and mess seem to go hand in hand, don’t they? Therefore, if you’re stressed, you might not have time to deal with the mess. The mess might increase your stress. Stop and take just 30 minutes to clear your area, it will give you a clear head and the ability to better cope.
  6.  Take a stress break. Take a “time out” and do something that gives you a release. Some people get a stress release from exercising. Others get it from playing a video game. Some immerse themselves in a book. Others take a hot bubble bath. Consequently try to find something that helps you.
  7. Try not to sweat the small stuff , do not take on other peoples’ stress. While some things are out of your control and you can’t manage them.  Realizing that you can only learn how to manage stress for things within your control will help you better cope with the reality that some things that are just out of your control.

Finally, managing stress requires change in your behavior. Therefore look for the way, you will find it!

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Health and Wellness can be achieved if you follow a few basic rules.
Health and Wellness
Have you been disregarding your health as of late? Do you wish you felt better and feel like your current look reflects the fact that you’re feeling, well…sluggish? Some of these tips will help you in areas of health and wellness overall.

1. Eat Better

Because eating has a big impact on health and wellness. If you’ve been feeling unwell, look at your diet. Are you missing something? Getting too much of something else? Yes, food is good for comfort at times but it should be first and foremost used as fuel. Too much of the wrong foods will reveal itself in how you feel and how you look as well.

Dull hair, bad skin, even body odour and bad breath can be attributed to your diet. If you’re skipping meals, go days without hardly any vegetables, or know you’re just not doing the best for your body with your diet, take a close look at ways to fix it so you aren’t looking and feeling so sluggish. You’ll see a vast improvement in your health and your wellness levels almost immediately.

2. Sleep More

Burning the candle at both ends lately? If you’re not getting 7-8 hours of sleep it can impact many areas of your health and wellness. Hence, your body needs sleep and it will start to turn against you if you ignore this basic need for too long.

3. Reduce Stress

Stress is a major inhibitor of health and wellness. It can impact your diet, your sleep, your work, your relationships. Find ways to reduce whatever stresses are in your life and you’ll feel better. Stress can result in weight gain, lack of appetite (or an insatiable appetite for the wrong foods), insomnia, and other health issues. In addition, if stress is a big issue for you, it’s time to look at some changes to improve your stress levels.

4. Have Fun

Life can’t be all about hard work. Have fun once in a while. It’s a great stress buster. Fun and health go well together and people often feel better when they’ve got a good mix of work and play in their life.

5. See Your GPHealth and Wellness

Regularly see your physician if you’re dealing with health problems and don’t hesitate to see him or her for overall feelings of sluggishness. You could have a vitamin deficiency or another health issue that’s robbing you of general wellness. Therefore, taking the time to improve various aspects of your life to improve your health and wellness is worthwhile. Your physician can help you rule out any serious issues as well as provide you with specific advice to improve your energy levels based on your individual circumstances, too.

Follow these five easy steps to achieve Health and Wellness.

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