Fitness Equipment Choices

Fitness Equipment Choices

12019 / Pixabay

Exercise equipment is as diverse as imagination. From simple weights, balls and ropes to sophisticated weight machines and stationary  bicycles.

New designs appear on the market constantly because of the high demand for muscle development and weight loss machines.

Fitness equipment can be classified  in various categories such as strength training equipment, aerobic fitness machines and tons of training gear.

Strength training equipment includes weights and resistance equipment using elastic bands or tubing.

Resistance Machines –

The most popular resistance machines use gravity to create resistance.

Most are weight machines. Gravity combined with  pulleys use part of the person’s own weight as the resistance source.

Other similar machines use springs, shock absorbers and friction to provide resistance.

Furthermore a different type of strength training equipment uses bands and tubing, ideal for home and office training.

Endless-path machines –

Are devices such as  stationary bicycles, treadmills, elliptical trainers, aerobic riders, stair climbers, ski and rowing machines.

The stationary bicycle focuses the exercise on the legs by the action of pedaling. A computerized version, the Peloton Bike actually stores routes and allows for training sessions where interaction with other riders is possible.

As a result the popularity of these machines as skyrocketed in the last few years.

Treadmills allow you to walk or run at various speeds. Some models, much like the Peloton Bike can simulate slopes for a more intense workout.

Stair climbers replicate the action of climbing stairs. Additionally some newer devices now also work arms and hands for a more through workout.

Skiing and rowing machines exercise arms and legs at the same time with the rowing machine also working the back muscles. The elliptical trainers are a cross between the stair climbers and the ski machines. The aerobic riders also exercise the arms and legs at the same time by pulling and pushing motion.

Fitness Gear –

It includes devices such as electronic step counters, blood pressure and heart rate monitors. Some  are as small as regular watches, and others are sophisticated devices using GPS for runners. Most provide feedback to the individual and can track his progress over time.

Exercise balls, kettle bells and heavy ropes are some of the many other devices being used in workouts all over the world.

As with any new equipment, it is best to consult a trainer and a physician before starting any programs to avoid potential health hazards.

Fitness equipment has become the most effective way to train. Well worth trying.

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Exercise Bike Workout Tips

Exercise Bike Workout

midoalone / Pixabay


 Do you want an effective exercise bike workout?

Here are some tips for you.

Pick a Good Exercise Bike

To begin with, there are quite a few different exercise bikes on the market. You’ll find inexpensive mini bikes and larger and more expensive bikes as well as recumbent bikes. Look at product reviews of exercise bikes to help you choose a good one. Look at models that show you distance traveled, calories burned, and if possible, one that measures your heart rate, too.

Use it Regularly

Many people buy an exercise bike with the goal of regularly doing exercise bike workout routines but the bike winds up sitting in a corner, collecting dust or being used as a clothes horse. Consider whether you’re really going to use it or not. If you aren’t sure that you are, consider buying an alternate piece of workout equipment or better yet – join a gym so you’ll have access to a wide variety of exercise equipment. If you think you’ll use it 2-3 times a week, it could be a good investment

Track Your Progress

Because setting goals is a good way to make sure you get the most out of y our exercise bike workout routines. Hence consider keeping a running total of the amount of calories burned and / or the amount of distance traveled on your workouts. Most models will provide you with a display that tells you these things. If you make it a goal to increase calories burnt or distance traveled weekly, you could see and feel great results from your exercise bike workouts.

Tips to Stay Interested

It can get boring to sit on a stationary bike and stare at the same wall. Make sure you vary your routine to keep your exercise bike workout interesting:

• Move the bike. Move it in front of a window, in front of a tv, etc. You might even want to move it in front of your computer so you can do other things while you exercise on the bike.

• Take it outside. If you can have an indoor exercise bike for workouts and buy a bicycle to do outdoor workouts, even better.

• Take a spin class. Exercise bike workouts in spin classes mimic outdoor conditions and add a great deal of intensity to exercise bike workouts. This could be a good start before you invest in a stationary bike for your home, too.

• Mix it up. If every single workout involves a stationary bike, you’ll have a greater chance of getting bored. Find alternate cardio exercises to blend in with your exercise bike workouts. Consider walking, running, swimming, and aerobics classes, too. Adding strength training to your regimen is a smart idea, too.

In conclusion, use the Exercise Bike Workout Tips offered above and you will see results.

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