Cardio and Strength Training – Combine them for Best Results


Combining two of the best forms of exercise gives you amazing results. It increases your efficiency by working out both your muscles and your cardiovascular system.

Regardless of what your goals may be. Losing weight, toning up or increasing muscle mass.

Therefore, the combining of strength training and cardio routines is arguably the best way to do it.

What is cardio?

Cardio is  a form of exercise which raises your heart rate. Examples are running, swimming and cycling.

Cardiovascular exercises do not require weights and relies on increasing muscle motion to get blood flowing at a faster rate through your body.

For this reason, better heart function and lung efficiency are the end results.

What is strength training?

Strength training routines rely on weights and resistance machines in order to encourage muscle movement. With multiple repetitions the body builds muscle mass and strength.

How can cardiovascular and strength training routines be combined?

Combining cardio routines and strength training is simple. For that reason, include both disciplines into your workout routines.

Ideally you can alternate both forms in the same session. Just as effective is to work one form on  day one, and the other on day two.

As long as both systems are exercised, the benefits will become obvious in a short time.

What are the benefits of using both forms of exercise?

Finally, the benefits are multiple, an improved pulmonary and heart system promoted by cardio will help stamina.

It in turn will lead to easier muscle building.

Hence, think of it as a better tuned engine taking advantage of every component to produce the best possible results.

Finally, a body that is has both inner and outer fitness is always going to outperform those that lack fitness in one or the other system.

Cardio and Strength Training – The Winning Combination. Try it now!


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