Find Out Your Ideal Weight

Find Out Your Ideal Weight

Deedee86 / Pixabay

A lot of people get fixated on a target weight, and this can sometimes be unrealistic and unhealthy when not considering their height, frame, gender or age. It is important to set yourself realistic goals for your own body shape / type. Weight loss and Wellness is about looking and feeling your best.

Here are a couple of tools to use to find out your ideal weight and where you should be setting your targets.

Remember that these are generalized indications to assist in finding your healthy weight range. When determining your healthy weight range, you must also consider the condition your body is in. Are you eating and exercising correctly to ensure a Healthy Heart , Mind & Body?

There are lots of important things to consider when accessing your ultimate healthy target… lets start here…

BMI (Body Mass Index) – Using Height & Weight
Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.

Work out your own BMI to find your healthy weight range. Simply measure your height (in cm) and weight (in kilos).

General summary of weight-status based on BMI.

Find your Ideal Weight



The BMI reading is not an indication of your fat percentage, it is only based on weight and height, therefore assumes extra weight is fat. This is not an accurate measure for high muscle mass.

Athletic individuals even young ones should not use  mweight charts for children. These will vary between certain ethnic groups. Therefore, it is ideal to use a BMI calculation in conjunction with a weight chart using your height and frame.

Weight Chart – Using Height & Frame

Weiht Chart Using Height and Frame

 Use the info above to find out your ideal weight, then make the corrections needed to achieve wellness.

Usually a combination of exercise routines and a well planned diet will achieve impressive results over time. Read the Book How to Lose Weight with Exercise for a well planned program.