Losing Weight Tips That Really Work and are Simple to Do.

The tips presented here are used by some of the leanest athletes on the planet. From professional bodybuilders to Olympic athletes and pro fighters.
If you want to be in the leanest shape of your life (single digits in body fat) without a whole lot of effort, this is it.

Eating four to five smaller meals per day will turn you into a fit and healthier person in no time. That’s it! It is not rocket science, nor is it a secret. It simply works, that’s it.

Lets understand why it works:

    1. When you’re eating 4-5 small meals per day you don’t get over hungry which means you don’t overeat at meal times.
    2. The need for snacking between meals goes away.
    3. Junk food stops being an issue.

By eating 4-5 meals your metabolism increases, which means you actually burn more calories during the day.

But don’t take it from me.

This is what bodybuilders, fitness models and professional fighters do. They watch their weight in the build-up to a competition or a fight. Hence, controlling their weight by eating more works.
Additionally, eating 4-5 meals per day helps you manage your appetite better and lose weight.

Follow these simple losing weight tips and see how quickly it works.

For those who claim they just don’t have the time.  These weight loss tips obviously are not important enough for them. It is a case of setting priorities.
If something is important to you – you’ll make time. Get up earlier, you’ll just make the time.  Therefore, if you’re serious, doing this will stack the odds in your favor. It is well worth the effort!

A few practical weight loss suggestions:

Prepare lunch the night before or in the morning.  Sometimes  lunch may be a portion of the previous night’s dinner. Then divide lunch into two portions.
In this way you have breakfast, two lunches and come home to an evening meal (that’s four small meals in one day).  Finally, add a healthy snack later in the evening.

Some people cook all of their meals on Sunday and freeze them. Having  meals ready takes away the chance of going back to the old system.
In this way you will keep your metabolism higher and your hunger pangs at bay. It’s not that hard and well worth the results.

It is however, a matter of having discipline and a little preparation. Small price to pay for feeling and looking better.

Follow these very simple weight losing tips and be healthy and trim.


Download Fast Fitness, the ultimate guide to help you succeed in your weight loss program, full of additional tips and ideas.

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Female Weight Loss – It is All About Being in Control

Understanding why some women are overweight must be done by determining the common denominators all overweight women share. Habits such as sedentary lifestyle, stress and impulse eating are but some of the culprits.

How much you weigh depends on several factors.

First of all, any female weight loss advice must begin with an analysis of how much and what kind of foods you eat. Most women who are not trying to lose weight should get around 1600 calories a day. But not all calories are created equal. 100 calories worth of green beans with almond slivers are a whole different ball game from 100 calories worth of Hershey’s chocolate with almonds. In addition to the calories, you need to look at the nutrients, fiber, and fat content.

Female Weight Loss begins with eating less.

But, most women get more calories than they need to maintain their weight. Poor impulse control is one of the reasons. There are just too many calories available. Underestimating just how many calories is in food. Serving sizes have exploded but people still count the calories as if they were the traditional smaller servings. Count every calorie accurately. Eat less and lose weight.

Look honestly at your lifestyle.

If your lifestyle includes a lot of activity, you are less likely to be worried about losing weight. However, if you live a highly sedentary life, you probably are packing on the pounds. Look for ways to move more. This doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym either. For housewives, playing with the kids, mopping floors and gardening are all excellent kinds of movement. For people with active careers, using stairs instead of elevators, or walking one extra bus stop before going home will do the trick.

What you consume and how many calories you burn off are directly under your control. On the other hand,  factors outside of your control impact your weight as well. For instance, your genetic make up has a lot to do with whether you get fat. Fast or slow metabolism tends to run in families and it is typical to see entire families of fat or skinny people.

Still, achieving wellness must be done by being proactive. Adjust your lifestyle, find a plan that works for you and follow it to reach fitness.

Age also has an impact on your weight. As you tend to burn calories more slowly as you age. Keep your weight under control. And, it is important to do so for the sake of your health. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are all linked with weight issues.

Finally, the state of your general health can play a role in losing weight. Some medications cause weight gain. And, some physical conditions limit mobility which means that you  burn less calories.

Finally, the key to female weight loss is setting achievable goals and sticking to the plan.

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Reducing Hunger Levels Will Help You Lose Weight and Feel Happier.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or not, reducing hunger levels will help you cope with the discomfort. Hunger pains are annoying and distracting.

Here are some quick tips to help reduce hunger levels.

Eat slowly to satisfy your hunger

Eating quickly makes you feel like you’re still hungry when you’re already full. This is because digestion takes time to be felt. This tricks your mind into thinking that you haven’t actually had enough to eat yet. Slowing down the pace of the meal will give your body time  to send the signal that you are full before you begin over eating.

Drink often to remain hydrated

If you’ve had a large meal but still feel like something is missing, it’s normally water or other liquids. Feelings of dehydration are often be mistaken for feelings of hunger. That often pushing people to eat more than they should. Rather than trying to get rid of these feelings by eating more, drink plenty of water throughout the day so that when you do feel hunger, it really is hunger.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep leads to feeling hungrier. Try to sleep for a minimum of 7 hours every night. This amount of sleep should help you to curb any unwanted feelings of hunger.

Avoid junk food, it only adds sugar, salt and very little nutrition

The more junk food you eat, the more junk food you will crave. Fatty and sugary foods also do not provide the nutrients that bodies need most. Additionally, you will mistake your body’s cry for nutrition with feelings of hunger. Hence, eating a healthier diet will help you feel better.

If you must have sweet snacks, eat dark chocolate instead

People who eat sugary snacks at the end of a long day must consider switching their snacks of choice for dark chocolate instead. Dark chocolate will improve heart health and provide antioxidants to your body. Furthermore, it will also help in reducing hunger levels.

Choose proteins over carbohydrates

Adding protein into your diet will prevent you from feeling hungry throughout the day. Carbohydrates digest fast. Hence they make you feel full quickly. However they leave you feeling tired and craving even more food as soon as they are digested. Proteins, on the other hand maintain energy levels higher much longer.

Reducing hunger levels leads to better health and fitness. Try It Now!

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Appetite Control and the Benefits of Exercise.

If you are struggling keeping your appetite and hunger under control, it might not just be about what you are eating or when, but your physical activity. Contrary to what many people think, exercise lessens cravings and hunger.  Additionally, the sense of wellness achieved by exercising, leads to better appetite control because there is an incentive to remain fit. Learning to control hunger will require having a plan and sticking to it.

Exercise, The Food Intake Regulator.

Exercise regulates big or small appetites. For people who have little hunger, working out triggers their appetite which results in improved nutrient balance. For over eaters, exercising more will increase their desire to be healthier. This will result in a desire to search for healthy diets and follow them.

Changing The Outlook  on Life.

Another big reason exercise is helpful in curbing food cravings is a change in the way people begin to see themselves. Leading an active life, going for walks, working out triggers the desire to treat their bodies better. The desire to eat healthy food instead of the usual empty calorie snacks changes their outlook. It sets the path for a long term active lifestyle.

Improves Your Overall Well Being

A person’s mental health and well being are improved by exercise. In effect, it continues to help when there is a need to control appetite and cravings. For those who feel hungrier or have cravings when stressed or anxious, exercising will certainly diminish the feelings. The fact it is that stress hormone levels rising make them want instant gratification. If left unchecked, it will increase their appetite because they will associate stress with more food. Being active and exercising regularly will improve the sense of well being and  do away with the need to over eat.

Appetite control and exercise are linked together. Use them to your advantage!

Check this useful e-book for more information on the relationship of exercise and proper eating.


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10 Weight Loss Tips that Work Well.

Have you have been trying to lose weight for sometime, but you feel like you are getting no where? You are becoming frustrated and you feel that you are out of options and nowhere else to turn. Well there are 10 weight loss tips that you may not have tried that you probably will need to be aware of. These ten tips will actually help you succeed in your weight loss program.

1. Drink a Lot of Water.

* You need to begin your weight loss program by drinking plenty of water. When you are dieting this usually consists of eight to ten glasses a day. This water will help you keep hydrated, detoxified, and will help you keep those nasty hunger pangs at bay.

2. Meals, Have at Least 3 Large and 2 Small Ones Daily.

* You should have at least five if not six meals a day. This should consist of three large meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and at least two small calorie snacks usually mid morning and early evening. This will be great for your metabolism. Also by no means are you to skip meals. If you skip meals then you will cause your metabolism to become off balance.

3. Have Regular  Workouts.

* Regular exercise is great when you are trying to lose weight. It will help in increasing your metabolism and also increase your overall fitness levels. Try things such as a brisk walk, jogging, and bike riding among others, as these are all good for your heart. You can also try weight training as it will help you build up your muscle and also build up your endurance.

4. Work on Your Mental Outlook.

* Mental workouts are also important to your weight loss program. Things like Yoga and Meditation will help lower your stress, allow you to experience mental relaxation and improves your concentration. Both the mental and physical exercise if combined correctly will help with your personality and overall physical health.

5. Eat Instead of Drinking.

* It will be much healthier for you, as a whole, to eat rather than drink. A lot of people believe in an all liquid diet but you need to realize these are not good. All you are basically taking in is pure sugar.

6. Read Food Labels Carefully.

* You need to pay close attention to all food labels, especially when you are trying to lose weight. In doing so you need to compare calorie intake and overall healthiness of the food.

7. Be Aware of Portion Sizes.

* You need to pay attention to your portion sizes. It is one of the most useful steps to proper weight loss.

8. Low Fat and Low Sugar Foods.

* You need to be sure to choose foods that are low fat and with low amounts of sugar.

9. Develop and Follow a Sleeping Routine.

* A good night sleep is also essential to proper weight loss. You also need to make sure you are going to bed and getting up at the same time every day

10. Write Down a Daily Journal.

* You need to do a daily diary/journal on all the food that you take in and carry it with you at all times. This will help you keep track of the calories that you have already consumed for the day which allows you to plan your next meal more effectively.

Finally, follow these 10 Weight Loss Tips and you will be losing weight in no time.

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 Using Rebounders for Fitness.

Rebounder is simply a term used for a mini trampoline. The popularity of using this type of device has grown significantly because of all the health benefits associated with it.

People of all ages and health conditions are using them to improve their health and fitness.

Rebounders are available at sporting good stores and online. Choose a sturdy model with six legs. Models with only four legs may tip over and be dangerous. Choose one that folds under a bed or in a closet.

Who can use a Rebounder?

Rebounding is popular for people of all ages and physical abilities. Because of the low impact it has on the joints. The springs in the system help cushion blows, reducing risks associated with traditional aerobic exercise.  Exercises can be as varied as your imagination. The important thing however, is to bounce for a period of time to get your heart rate up. There are numerous videos available that teach you how to use it.

Benefits of Using Rebounders

Bouncing stimulates the metabolism, circulates oxygen, and strengthens the heart. It increases the capacity of the lungs and improves muscle tone. It also helps enhance the immune system, aiding in the prevention of illness. This is a great tool to help combat obesity by providing valuable, low impact exercise. Exercise has been shown to reduce tension brought on by everyday stress and pressures. Rebounding enhances this element by being particularly fun. From children to seniors, this type of exercise is greatly enjoyable.

Rebounding can help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. It can also improve coordination and balance. If you have incontinence problems, rebounding can actually help by exercising and strengthening muscle cells. You will see improved bladder control in a short period of time. It is also an ideal exercise routine for anyone recovering from ailments such as broken bones or strained muscles. Since bouncing does not work against gravity, there is no undue strain on muscles and joints. You can help strengthen them without causing harm.

Rebounding has become a widely popular form of aerobic exercise.  Additionally it offers psychological benefits by reducing stress.

It is also one of the most fun forms of exercise. Who doesn’t like to bounce?

Finally, using rebounders regularly will keep you trim and fit for years to come!

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Not Losing Weight – This is what is stopping you. 

We’re creatures of habit.  We wake up, hit the alarm and hit auto-pilot.

First we have breakfast, then brush our teeth. Next get dressed, go to work, then at the end of the day come back home and back to bed it is. Then werepeat it all over again the next day.

Eating and exercising – getting fatter or losing weight — it all boils down to the same thing:  Habits.

That is how we are wired. However, we have a choice: use habits to our advantage if we channel them properly or simply let them take us the wrong way.

In other words, when it comes to food, Good Habits make us loose weight, and Bad Habits will make us fat.

Good Habits help us get the things we want quicker. Additionally it makes achieving our goals possible. However for habits to work, we must take an honest look at what we are doing.

Understanding what is our biggest food weakness.

Is it:

  • – Overeating at meal times
  • – Going without food for hours and then binge eating
  • – Snacking between meals
  • – Getting bored late in the evening before raiding the kitchen
  • – Opening the ice-cream and eating it all in one seating
  • – Being a night time feeder
  • -Raiding the fridge over and over again
  • – Start one cookie and finish the pack
  • -Having a bowl of cereal, Then another and another
  • -Eating when being bored in the evenings, watching TV or surfing the Internet.

These are classic BAD Eating Habits.  The problem is these bad habits we do without even thinking about it. We do them on auto-pilot. Only to regret it afterwards.

There are plenty more bad habits out there. But if we can identify our biggest weakness we will be on the winning track to losing weight.

 If you are not losing weight and want to change it, this is what must be done:

Think long and hard (and be honest).

1.- What is your weakness?

2. -What is your Achilles heel?

3.- Isolate it.

4.- Zone in on it.

Then replace it with a better habit or cut it out completely – good things will start to happen to you.

You will begin losing weight, see results over a short period of time, and begin living a longer, healthier and leaner life.  And that’s your task.

Finally, not losing weight is not an option. Do it now!

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 Exercise Equipment Myths – Not All Machines are Built Alike.


You have probably all seen many fitness equipment commercials. The claims made in some of these commercials tend to stretch credibility to the limit.

You are invited to “Get the perfect abs in 10 minutes a day” or even ” Have a sculpted body in no time.” Each machine claims to use cutting edge technology with the express purpose to get you in shape and lose pounds with a minimal effort. If it only was that simple.

Exploiting the public’s Vanity.

Everybody wants to look and feel great. The truth is it requires quite some work achieve it.  It usually takes a vigorous exercise program and a properly balanced diet.

In order to lose weight and achieve a well toned body you will have to burn calories on a regularly basis. It is that simple.

Most of the fitness equipment on the market are just fads which disappear after a few months of heavy advertising.

There is, however, one that is still a major player, and that is the treadmill. Which has been in the market for more than 20 years now.

Others, like the Torso Track, Total Gym 1000/2000, Ab Sculptor, Ab Rockers, Ab Doers, Slam Man, Thighmasters, Toning System, Door Gym, Orbitrek were the latest great thing one day and then gone the way of the Dodo bird the next.

You may wonder why you never see treadmills sold on infomercials? The reason is simple. It is because it is not a high profit, hyped up, exercise gadget, which is more the product of clever marketing than a serious piece of exercise equipment.

Most infomercial equipment is designed for just one purpose, to make as much money as soon as possible before people discover that they don’t work. Most of the cost of this equipment is used in order to market it. And that is how Exercise Equipment Myths are created.

Believing there is an easy, effortless way.

So who would possibly want to buy this stuff? Usually it is people who mistakenly believe that there are shortcuts to weight loss and getting in shape. Achieving your fitness goals requires that you put in some work and the results will not happen over night. Hence, no machine is going to produce the results you desire without commitment from yourself.

Have you ever seen any infomercial equipment at a health club? No, because they don’t work and they’re not built to last. What you will see, however, are a number of treadmills, often with people waiting their turn to use them.

It really boils down to this. Getting fit is really the product of two things – time and effort. The more time and effort you put into exercising the more calories you are going to burn and the more weight you will lose. Look for fitness equipment that will maximize your efforts,. Additionally use only true and tested machines.

The ugly truth about those Exercise Equipment Myths is that they are nothing more fads designed to make someone rich quick.

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Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program for 2019.

What to look for when looking for a weight loss program that really works is difficult. With so many news  stories and reports about diets and programs that do not work. Therefore finding the right one is almost impossible.

Here are the basic points of what to look in a  good weight loss program.

1. They don’t try to sell you anything else.

Avoid any programs which try to hard sell you any pills or supplements. A weight loss program doesn’t have to be based in supplements or drinks that you need to consume each day. Hence, it must be a diet plan for the week and an exercise plan tailored towards your individual fitness level.

2. Know who has developed it.

Be cautious of programs which have been developed by anyone other than trained medical professionals. While somebody may have had a lot of success with their own diet plan, putting it out there for the general public to try will not work.

3. Look for real positive reviews.

Not all online reviews are real. look for real people who have had success with this plan, listen and consider trying it out for yourself. Additionally, if reviews seem fake, avoid it and seek different one.

4. It must be legitimate.

If it promises fast weight loss without any work, be wary and stay away. Finding a successful weight loss program requires it has a healthy diet, plenty of water and regular exercise.

5. There are no guarantees.

Promising a weight loss of  x  pounds in a certain period of time is never a good sign of a weight loss program. Remember, the more fat you have to shed, the quicker you’ll lose it. Additionally, nobody that is honest will promise how much you will lose in a week or a month. Therefore, avoid programs which tell you that.

Finally, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not.

Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program requires a good dose of common sense.

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Weight Loss Boot Camp – Do I Need One?

With the success of various weight loss entertainment programs, a lot of people are starting to believe that they need to attend a weight loss boot camp. This is simply not true. Unless there is a medical reason why you cannot lose weight, a calorie controlled diet and an exercise program will make you lose weight.

Get on the right mindset and educate yourself.

Don’t think about being on a diet. Instead say to yourself that you are following a healthy eating program. Your mindset is probably the most important factor when determining your chances of losing weight. If you believe you will do it, the weight will come off. If you have doubts, you might as well give up now.

Start by educating yourself as to what foods you should be eating more of and the foods that should be consumed on special occasions only. We all know that eating crisps, chips, cakes and biscuits are not going to help us lose weight. But did you know that you actually should be eating more fat in your diet. What? You want to lose weight and I tell you to eat more fat. Well it is true, you should be increasing the amount of Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Good sources are oily fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. You need these fats to provide vital vitamins and minerals in your system but also to stop you becoming depressed.

Think of an exercise program.

Weight loss boot camp is not the answer to your long term weight loss. Education and exercise are the way forward. Knowing what you can eat and when will help resolve your weight problems. A good habit to get into is not to eat any starchy carbohydrates after 5pm.

I am not suggesting you never eat foods from the carbohydrate group – any diet that prohibits a complete food group is not a healthy eating plan and should be avoided. But it is a good idea not to eat bread, pasta or potatoes in the evening until you reach your weight loss goal and then only occasionally. Excess calories produced by carbohydrates are stored as fat and as you generally sleep at night; you don’t get the chance to burn off the excess. Fill up on lean meat, vegetables and fruit instead. Then you should notice less bloating and increased levels of energy.

Drink more water. Most people do not drink sufficient water and often interpret thirst for hunger. If you have recently eaten and still feel “hungry”, try drinking some water. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It will help your energy levels as well as your diet.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Follow the above tips, buy a decent diet book and learn to cook your own food from fresh every day.

Soon your weight issues will be a thing of the past and you will not be considering a weight loss boot camp as an alternative.

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book


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